

from founder Caitlin Harper

We help leaders of purpose-driven companies and nonprofits navigate organizational change. Subscribe for twice-a-month insights about how to create people-centered change strategies and restorative cultures + get invites to our free monthly Organizational Change Office Hours.

Don't overlook this part of navigating organizational change

Hey Reader, When we talk about change readiness, we often talk about people: how can we prepare people for change so that they move from the status quo, or what they're doing now, to the future state, or what we want them to do? But this is a problem. Don’t get me wrong; when it comes to managing change, I don’t think we focus on people enough! The problem arises when we only talk about people. This becomes less of an annoyance and more of a serious issue when leaders and change practitioners...

Here's a tried-and-true way to scale a strategy

Hey Reader, If things are feeling a little hectic right now, you're definitely not alone. Whether you've had a slow start to the year and things are just picking up or you've been racing through 2024 (and are wondering how you're going to make it through the next eight months at this pace), you're not the only one who might feel a little frazzled by the amount of changes going on. Even my inbox is all over the place. AI. Is DEI dead? Burnout. AI. TikTok. Climate risks at work. AI. The...

Is my company too small for change management?

Hey Reader, Have you ever heard a leader say that their business is too small for strategy? I haven’t. Heck, I have business of one, and I have strategies for business development, marketing, sales, networking, service delivery, client relations, and more. Which is why I’m so surprised when leaders of small- and medium-sized purpose-driven organizations say that they’re too small for change management. The Association of Change Management Professionals defines change management as “the...

How much do I have to plan for a change?

Hey Reader, At last week’s Organizational Change Office Hours, someone asked a great question in the Q&A, one that I hear from leaders all the time: How much planning do I have to do for a change? The question doesn’t surprise me. When your organization is planning for change on top of everything else you have to do on a daily basis, it can feel totally daunting. And when change is constant? Does that mean endless cycles of planning and planning and planning again? When is the real work...

Tackle the scariest thing on your to-do list

Hey Reader, Are you a list person? I am. I have my business operations Tasks in Notion, my iPhone Notes for grocery shopping and recipes I want to try, my journal for creative projects, my post-its for reminders that defy category, and more. I love my lists, but on each one, there tends to be an item that overstays its welcome. You know. That THING that just won't budge, that you can't check off, that seems too heavy or insurmountable or both. The leaders I work with are inspiring,...

Orgs that are change-ready vs orgs that aren’t

Hey Reader, Most of the time, when I ask leaders if their organizations are change-ready, they’re honestly not sure. So at our last office hours, we dug into change readiness: what it is, how to tell if your organization is change-ready, and what leaders can do to start building a change-ready culture today. As far as what it is, the easiest way to define it is right there in the name: are employees and the organization ready for change? But wait…the employees or the org? Change in general or...

How to build a change-ready culture

Hey Reader, As someone who helps values-centered companies create organizational change, clients usually come to me at a very specific time: when there’s a big change on the horizon! Whether they have a spark of an idea and need a thought partner to help them shape a strategy or they present a clear and pressing need that must be addressed, the change is present. But are people ready for it? Not only are most leaders I talk to not sure, they don’t exactly know what change readiness means. If...

When you realize you don't have a change strategy...

Hey Reader, At last week’s Organizational Change Office Hours, someone asked a great question: “What can I do when I want to communicate about the changes we have going on, but I don’t have any actual information to share?” It's a great question, and when I looked in my notes later that day, I realized that someone had asked a similar question during office hours at least twice in 2023, so this person was definitely not alone. One of the things they were concerned about was...

Want your organizational change to be a success? Ask this one question

Hey Reader, Hope your 2024 is off to a good start so far. Over here, I like to keep the New Year period low pressure and high in self-compassion. While I’m all about reflection and strategic planning, over the years, I’ve found that it’s not only less stressful to do those things in my regular, year-round practice (rather than try to cram it all in when I’d rather be eating mince pies and explaining to my toddler that yes, every single snowflake is one-of-a-kind), but it’s more impactful...

Changing behavior versus change communication

Hey Reader, As we approach the end of the year, I’m doing a lot of strategic planning work with clients. Just like our change work, we do this a little differently; we talk about a 5-year vision but only design a strategy for one year (you know what they say about the best-laid plans). We examine business strategy, people, and culture, and ensure that all are given equal weight in the planning process. And of course, we design change-focused strategies for the year driven by effective and...
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